
Change Project - Remote Learning Portfolio How-To Video

Click here to view my how-to video; teaching parents how to use some of the features of the Google Slides Digital Portfolio. I created this video using a screen casting feature on WeVideo. I created this video because parents were very stressed out and did not know how to add work to their child's portfolio. This frustration and resistance reminded me of the change principle from Switch that said that people just need clarity in the path. My goal of this video was to provide clarity in the path of creating the portfolio. Since I created the video, I now have 16/19 families involved in the portfolio process!

Vision Artifact

For my vision artifact, I decided to create a video using WeVideo. The video demonstrates some of the key beliefs of the Green Mountain STEAM Academy. I placed my video on the homepage of a very simple website that I created. There is another page for the mission and vision statements. Engaging with the resources in Modules 13 and 14 helped me to understand that your vision is where you want to be and what you want to achieve, where your mission is what you do. Check out my Vision Artifact(s) by clicking here !
My participation in the Learning Transported Twitter book discussion best highlights my ability to meet the Connected Learner Standard 2b which states that the learner will actively participate in professional learning networks to enhance coaching practice and keep current with emerging technology and innovations in pedagogy and the learning sciences . Engaging in the book discussion via Twitter was an exciting and powerful experience for me. I was not familiar with Twitter prior to this course, but became very excited about the promise of connecting to others in this class and beyond. With the limited number of characters, I found myself carefully considering the most prominent take-aways with each new section and being selective with my words. I also found that I had time to read a wide range of responses from others, which was great for inspiring deeper thinking about specific ideas and technologies. To be more specific, I actively engaged in a professional learning network o...

Destination Post Card - Every student in this class will be able to read every sight word on the 100 word list by the end of first grade!


A Bright Spot

Several years ago I started teaching first grade at Cambridge Elementary School. December break came and went and January marked the start of our interdisciplinary unit on penguins. To kick off the unit our math program recommended that we “take a trip to Antarctica”. The authors suggested that teachers should describe the environment and maybe even show a short video to reinforce concepts covered in the text about the topography and climate of the continent. I followed along with the program, even taking it a step further and simulating a plane ride - which I thought first graders might enjoy. I was wrong. The experience felt lame and inauthentic and to be quite frank, I wondered how this experience would pique students’ excitement enough to maintain motivation and excitement around future learning opportunities.  Flash forward a year and I wanted to communicate to students why the experience had to be somewhat inauthentic to avoid later disappointment. We looked up the cost ...

Who am I as a Leader? Visualization


Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen

After reading the summaries of chapter two from The Tipping Point, by Malcom Gladwell, I came to understand the different roles of mavens, connectors and salesmen in the process of the spread of information and trends. Mavens are people who accumulate knowledge and are recognized by others as having truthful and reliable information. When I think about Mavens in my own personal network, I think about a literacy interventionist at my school. She has been at my school for eight years and has a background in special education. She has also been trained in Reading Recovery and LLI approaches to literacy intervention. Whenever I have questions about the validity of approaches, I can go to her and know that she has a wealth of knowledge in the area of literacy intervention. When I think about connectors , I think about our tech team. We have an incredible IT guy who works hard to support our school community. He is always seeking out opportunities to share out the wonderful things happenin...